Please do impart your kind gesture in strengthening our efforts by moral and
financial support. Deprived people are just waiting for your initiative..


Burki Foundation is a brave initiative of Burki Group of companies. Burki Foundation was established in year 2011 with a noble cause to stand in harmony with the deprived and marginalized people of Pakistan.

Burki Foundation is registered under (RP/204) Rp/6853/L/s/11/3974 the Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860 as a non-political and non-religious civil social organization.

Mission: To promote socio-economic development, harmony and justice.

Vision: A right based society, where everyone has equal access to resources and Justice.”


  • We establish institutes, colleges, and universities that offer technical and vocational training programs to equip individuals with the skills needed to succeed in a competitive global job market
  • To protect child rights and to establish free educational centers, institutions, research centers in the field of education and awareness of children.
  • To take appropriate steps for the alleviation of social disparity against women and children in the society
  • To strive for poverty alleviation by facilitating channels to youth and women for learning entrepreneurial and self-employment skills
  • To take appropriate and necessary measures for poverty alleviation, livelihood and social welfare
  • To undertake policy dialogues and advocacy with public, private, not-for-profit, and corporate sector on the issues that are important for social justice, development and welfare of the citizens